As the heading goes “Change is the need for this hour” now you might ask why this gyaan session is happening. After joining Ignitee an advertising agency from a usability firm, I thought it will be just another Web Designing Firm but it is it surely more than that. Now you might ask, Why this title? Because just having a “Need for the Change” is not enough But “Getting Adjusted to the Change quickly” is also really necessary.
It really took me 1 & half month to adjust to this firm, but after 3-4 months I had a feeling that I was in Ignitee from 1 & half year or so.
Now you might ask, Why this difference?
Understanding the whole structure of Ignitee & in what way I am helping the company. As Ignitee have lots of Skill sets in many different fields, which makes the company different from a normal web designing firm. Tech team, Search Team, Creative Team, Operations Team, Accounts, HR etc & each team having different Skills sets within them.
The happiest thing for me as a part of Ignitee is, I get to interact with as good as everyone in one way or other & get to know them.
The other main happiest things to be in Ignitee are Table Tennis, Carrom, and UNO. Friday Fever being enjoyed with Dance, Fun-fair, Parties, in teams: Power Rangers, Fanatics, Angels & Demons, Holy Cow. These things are being carried out with loads & loads of work to everyone.
This was what Ignitee is all about.
Now it is the time for a Joke (PJ) in Hindi:
Que: आगर एक आदमी के ३घुट्ने है तो उस का नाम क्या होगा?
Ans: Nitin he he he
Now this is the Change from serious talks to a Joke. Work to Games/party, from being a superior to a being a friend etc and everything at Ignitee.
What else can you Change???