Finally the weekend's come
And everything is goin' down
Nine to five and now it's time
For me to get around
Good poppin' ain't no stoppin' everybody's in the mood
Mind blowin' once you feel the music startin' to get to you
Disco nights, party lights, it's all good for me
My sistas, enjoy your weekend
And may God bless all of you…..
I think every workplace has one thing in common; the common habit of staring at the wall clock/cell phones/ laptops/ etc to check the time on a Friday morning till evening. (Exceptions: Workaholics.) You mentally plan to get rid of all your earlier ‘I Swear’ promises and book tickets to a secret hideaway and buy/order a crate of beer and keep smiling & giggling while your colleagues wonder whether you need a psychiatrist or Ramdev Baba's Asanas.

However Ignitee is notorious for Fridays, especially when the good’ol friendly Ignitee’s turn rivalries! Fridays are Warzones at Ignitee. Lagaan ka team looks dry in front of our four teams: Holy Cows, Power Rangers, Angels & Demons & the Fanatix. We had a tough ‘Table-Tennis’ tournament which had mixed doubles playing & men’s double also. Though are beautiful babes never played TT ever in their entire life, they took rolled up their sleeves & were ready to give the guys run for their money! Then there was a “Whacky TV Commercial Idea’ which not only made our funny bones tickle but also led to the findings:

A.We had an amazing no of people who could mimic our bosses!
B.We had office junta from a non-creative background who came up with wackiest creative ideas.
C.The quiet ones suddenly became a chatterbox
D.Many hands went up for performing nautanki
E.Some of them became popular as Reshamiya’s & Mangeshkar’s with their singing talents
More on that later but on a serious note it helped me as a ‘fresher’ to bond well with peepal in Ignitee apart from my own team. It lead to a feeling of ‘oneness’ & ‘familyness’ with the ‘Hutke Friday Funda’s’ at Ignitee. The latest ‘Decorate Your Workstation’ was more like a ‘Kumbh ka mela’ with one workstation idea being ‘Ring Ring Ringa’ where the ‘workstation’ had the wackiest gifts to be won! Power Rangers did it amazingly well, the detailing like dressing up like a ‘pirate’ & shouting his ware like a typical mumbaiya & other members humming the ‘Slum Dog Millionaire’ Ring Ring Ringa enthusiastically. The judges tried their luck mostly at the Nokia Communicator. Better luck next time! Next was the ‘Baba’s’ workstation where in there were Multi-Cultural & Multi-Lingual Babas...buy a watch & your time will change says the ‘German Baba’ …it was amusing & visually appealing…good job Fanatix!

Then came our good old Nihal with an extremely whacky theme of the ‘Recession hai tou Hairkut ke Saath Bypass muft’ A ‘Doctor-Cum Barber’s Workstation’ which kept us laughing till we all dropped. Finally the Holy Cows…ahem ahem…well these poor cows took the competition theme quietly literally & decorated the workstation as they would for their actual workstation…but then the ‘Color Dip you Finger & Stamp it’ theme was like a fresh dew ..Apart from that the cow’s workstation had the ‘We are friendly & approachable’ theme...Chocolates, Cadburys & lollies were distributed & in the end it was a pleasant experience. In the end we are all Ignitee’s & we all love being a part of these amazing place where ‘Work is Fun & Fun is Work’! Yippee!
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