I have started to type this sentence without any knowledge of what I am going to say in the next 300 odd words. This is a familiar situation to most creative people who sit and stare at the white blank paper everyday of his/her life while cracking an ad. A blank paper is scary at times; you don’t know where to start, what to draw or what to write.
The Facebook status asks ‘What’s on your mind?’ And I find it extremely difficult to fill in that blank. My mind is constantly churning thoughts. And they happen to be random every moment. Good, bad, meaningless, philosophical, childlike and wicked. And the list is endless. Information, Messages, Words, Images, Sounds gets tattooed on the brain. And this hard disk is storing everything I think or not think? Where am I heading? Why am I thinking in the first place? Why can’t I stop thinking? Shut my brain. Was it like this a few years ago? I ask this question to myself. I don’t think it was. Life was definitely not like this.
So, what has made this change? Not long time ago someone helped me open an email account. It was simple; writing a mail to a friend. Today, I don’t have the time to reply to any mails. Too much is happening in the virtual world which I have been part of it knowingly or unknowingly. I am sucked into it. It’s like I live another life in the virtual space. Can I discover a new dimension of myself? Am I the same person who is in the real world? I have noticed, otherwise unassuming, shy and quiet person suddenly showing completely opposite personality on the social networking sites. Should I call this double life?
We are social animals. But today we want to be even more social in a new world.
We like to know what is happening in other people’s lives, we want to share, we want to comment, we want to chat and we want to give our opinion. We want to sell, we want to buy and we want to get entertained. We have the option of changing our identity. Live vicariously. Will it stop here or is there something to be unraveled; something different and bizarre. Is life getting simpler or complicated? I don’t know. I don’t understand. I am not a psychologist.
We (Ignitees) live in one world and work in another. Isn’t it fascinating?
A project developed by American scientist for the United States Defense way back in 1973, known to us as Internet is now become part of ‘our’ DNA. And everyone’s too.
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